Notation in Statistics
Notation is powerful
“By relieving the brain of all unnecessary work, a good notation sets it free to concentrate on more advanced problems, and, in effect, increases the mental power of the race.” (Alfred North Whitehead, “An Introduction to Mathematics”)
“Good notation can make the difference between a readable paper and an unreadable one.” Terence Tao Use Good Notation
See also this collection of references and thoughts on notation hypotext - notation
A good notation will allow one to work more efficiently, convey ideas more concisely, and lead to new developments. A poor notation acts as a friction to development and confines our thinking. At least for my personal the language of ‘Random Variables’ and ‘Expectation Values’ is overly restrictive. A focus on random variables and expectation values :
- Can mask that probability measures are the critical component of the probability.
- Artificially restrict analysis to distributions on $\mathbb{R}^n$.
Probability is about Measures
Modern probability theory is commonly said to derive from the work of Kolmogorov who laid a foundation using measure theory. Probability theory requires an efficient languages for discussing the measurement of probabilities of subsets of a space of possibilities, which coincides with the aims of measure theory. Measure theory is commonly introduced as a pre-requisite to integration - a theory where we similarly require an means to measure the area / volume of subsets of a space. Despite being entangled in how they are taught, measure theory is a subject with value of its own beyond the theory of integration. In particular in probability theory - measure theory is the star of the show and integration is a useful tool.
Sample Spaces
In the language of measure theory a sample space is a measurable space being a set $X$ equipped with a sigma algebra $\Sigma$.
A sigma algebra is a set of subsets of $X$ ($\Sigma$ is a subset of $\mathcal{P}X$ the Power set of $X$) such that :
- $\Sigma$ contains the empty set $\emptyset$
- $\Sigma$ is closed under complements. If $A \in \Sigma$ then $X - A \in \Sigma$.
- $\Sigma$ is closed under countable unions. So given $A_n \in \Sigma$ for n indexed by the natural numbers - then $\cup_n A_n \in \Sigma$.
From these we have other derived properties, $X \in \Sigma$ and $\Sigma$ is closed under countable unions. This pair $(X,\Sigma)$ gives us the space of possible outcomes $X$ and the sets for which it is possible to define probability. The simplest examples make this formal definition appear silly.
- Finite Discrete A Finite Set $X=[1,2,3,…,n]$ with $\Sigma = P(X)$ or all subsets of $X$. The typical discrete sample space describing the states of a n-sided die,, the states of a deck of cards, etc with all sets of states measurable.
- Borel Algebra : The smallest sigma algebra containing all open sets in a given topology. The Borel algebra for the the standard topology on $\mathbb{R}^n$ is the classic continuous sample space.
Probability Space
A Probability Space is a measurable space equipped with a measure $P$ satisfying
- Positivity $P : \Sigma \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^+ $
- Normalized $P(X) = 1$
- $P(\emptyset) = 0$
- Countable additivity : Given a countable number of disjoint $A_n \in \Sigma$ $P(\cup_n A_n) = \sum_n P(A_n)$
Given our sample space $X$ and our sigma algebra $\Sigma$ we can look at $\mathcal{P}(X, \Sigma)$ the space of normalized measures. These are the possible definitions of probability given our sample space. For the finite discrete measure this space of measures is quite simple - just the space of non-negative functions $f : X \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ such that $\sum_i f(i) = 1$
At this stage we have a complete language for discussing probabilities - and this is where integration typically creeps in.
Random Variables
The standard definition of a Random Variable is a measurable function from a probability space to the reals (with the Lebesgue measure). Such a measurable function can be integrated. The integral of our random variable is the standard expectation value and integrals of simple functions of our random variable lead to the various moments.
On their own measurable functions are natural to define given our measurable spaces - they play the role of measurable space morphisms.
For meaurable spaces $X$,$Y$ a measurable function $f: X \rightarrow Y$ satisfies.
$f^{-1}(B)$ is measurable for all measureable sets B in Y.
What’s with the inverse?
You may be familiar with the identities for any map $f: X \rightarrow Y$.
- $f^{-1}(Y)=X$
- $f^{-1}(\emptyset) = \emptyset$
- $f^{-1}(\cap_\alpha V_\alpha) = \cap_\alpha f^{-1} (V_\alpha)$
- $f^{-1}(\cup_\alpha V_\alpha) = \cup_\alpha f^{-1} (V_\alpha)$
- $f^{-1}(Y - V) = X - f^{-1}(V)$
All together we have a morphism of the $\sigma$ algebras if f is measurable. $f^{-1} : \Sigma_Y \rightarrow \Sigma_X$. Additionally if we restrict to the image of $X$, $f^{-1}: P(Y) \rightarrow P(X)$ is one-to-one. So we have an isomorphism of $\Sigma_Y$ with a subset of $\Sigma_X$.
We Really Care about Measures
Random Variables are really a means to define probability measures - and probability measures are our primarily object of interest.
Given a measurable function $f : X \rightarrow Y$ and a probability measure $P$ on $X$ we can construct a probability measure on $Y$. This is called a push-forward of the measure.
$f^*(p)(V) = p(f^{-1}(V))$
Does $f^*(p)$ satisfy the conditions of a probability measure?
- Empty set has 0 measure : $f^*(p)(\emptyset) = p(\emptyset) = 0$
- Normalized : $f^*(p)(Y) = p(X) = 1$
- Can also verify countable additivity.
Further this definition is consistent with how we think about probability. The probablity measure we get from this is equivalent to drawing samples from the original probability distribution and evaluating the function on each sample.
So a real random variable is defining a probability distribution on $\mathbb{R}$ and it is this push forward distribution that we care about. Much of the machinery of expectation values and moments is used to estimate properties of this push-forward distribution. In my experience it is simpler to always think in terms of probability measures - viewing Random Variables as simply one means to generate a measure given an existing probability space.
Artifically Restricted Scope
While measurable functions are meaningful for any measurable space as the range $Y$ - the definition of a random variable typically restrict to real valued measurable functions. (A restriction though to only real valued measurable functions - (which is common but NOT universal). Given the emphasis on integration this restriction is reasonable - or strictly a restriction to $Y$ where an integral is defined (Complex vector spaces, Banach spaces, ..).
Quite often we are interested in functions of our domain probability space that are not real valued. Simple examples include random sentences based on a generative model for text.
Categorically we are interested in all measurable spaces and all measurable functions between them. (Although recently noticed that we can write down the category of real random variables as a Comma Category in particular as the category over $\mathbb{R}$ with the Borel Algebra.)
While the category point seems aesthetic - it does commonly occur that we are interested in compositions of random variables, and Category theory is designed to make it easy to talk about function composition.
At the very least a ‘Random Variable’ should be (and occasionally is) any measurable map between a Probability space $(X, P)$ and a measurable space $Y$
Conflicting Notation
While working with a single sample space we have a notion of arithmetic on real random variables which derives from arithmetic on the reals.
- Addition : $(f + g)(x) = f(x) + g(x)$
- Multiplication : $(fg)(x) = f(x)g(x)$
It is common to see statements of the form : We define $h = f + g$ where $f$ and $g$ are independent Normal random variables. This actually introduces a second notion of addition. This second case is really an abuse of $+$. Abuses of notation are often fine as long as we are aware of them and they don’t lead to abuses of mathematics. We are really looking at a sequence of the following operations.
- Given inital measure spaces $X$ and $Y$ and random variables $f$,$g$.
- Construct the product space $X \times Y$.
- Extend $f$ and $g$ to be defined on product space $f(x,y) = f(x)$ and $g(x,y) = g(y)$.
- Add the random variables $f + g$ with the standard notion of addition.
This is perhaps a silly amount of detail, but you see that the $+$ bundles together operations on the sample space with operations on the random variables. This is not quite a problem with Random Variables themselves - but a problem of working without reference to the underlying sample spaces.
Real Random Variables are Coordinates
Random variables primarily act as ‘Coordinates’ - allowing us to map from our sample space to real valued coordinates that we can compute with - make approximations, etc, etc. Why dont we just call them coordinate functions then? Digging through the notation of other fields for a close analog we come across - the use of coordinates & coordinate charts in the discussion of manifolds.
$f : U \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ for $U \subset M$.
Much like the study of manifolds - Even though we have real valued coordinate functions it does not necessarily make sense to start integrating those coordinate values. It is tempting to automatically start integrating these measurable real valued functions - but even though it is an allowed operation, is it meaningful? In simple cases -