Symmetries in Machine Learning I

5 minute read

In this digression into the topic of symmetries in Machine Learning we

  • Define invariance and covariance of supervised ML under a family of transformations.
  • Present a simple idealized supervised learning problem with symmetries to explore the concept.

This investigation is inspired by Invariant Information Clustering in which the concept that a model should be invariant under certain transformations is leveraged for unsupervised learning.

Exact Symmetries in ML

Simple Supervised machine learning tasks can be classified by

  • Domain $X$ - or the function inputs
  • Range $Y$ - or the function outputs

A particular instance of a task consists of

  • A set of observations of input, output pairs. $\mathcal{D} \subset X \times Y$
  • Cost function defined given a candidate function $f: X \rightarrow Y$ and a probability distribution on $X \times Y$ (typically defined by observed data). $C : (X \rightarrow Y) \times \mathcal{P}(X \times Y) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$

    We say ‘simple’ here as there are plenty of cases where observations are from $X \times Y$ while the function to learn has a different range $Y’$. The most common example being Logistic regression where the observations are from a discrete set $L$ and the function output is a probability distribution over $L$.

Symmetries are typically observed for tasks where the domain $X$ has transformations, $\phi_{\alpha} : X \rightarrow X$, such that either

a. The outputs are invariant under transformation of the inputs by $\phi_{\alpha}$, so the outputs $y$ associated to $x$ and $\phi_{\alpha}(x)$ would be the same for all $\alpha$.

b. The outputs are covariant under under $\phi_{\alpha}$ - which qualitatively means that the outputs associated to $x$ and $\phi_{\alpha}(x)$ are related in a known way.

Denoting our symmetry actions $\phi_{\alpha} : X \rightarrow X$ by $\phi_{\alpha} \cdot x$ we have the requirements that the optimal $f$ given the cost function should satisfy.

  1. Invariance : $f(\phi_{\alpha} \cdot x) = f(x)$ for all $\alpha, x$
  2. Covariance : There exists a function $G$ taking transformation of $X$ and producing a transformation of $Y$, $G : (X \rightarrow X) \rightarrow (Y \rightarrow Y)$ such that it
    • Defines transformation of outputs : $f(\phi_{\alpha} \cdot x) = G(\phi_{\alpha}) \cdot f(x)$ for all $\alpha, x$
    • Is a Functor : $f(\phi_{\alpha} \cdot (\phi_{\beta} \cdot x)) = G(\phi_{\alpha} \cdot \phi_{\beta}) \cdot f(x) = G(\phi_{\alpha}) \cdot G(\phi_{\beta}) \cdot f(x)$ for all $\alpha, \beta, x$

Such exact symmetries are rare in practice but idealized versions of standard problems do admit exact symmetries.

Idealized Images : If we remove questions of “what happens at the boundary”, allowing images composed of pixels that extend infinitely in all directions (functions $\mathbb{Z}^2$ to $\mathbb{R}^3$). Then we expect:

  • Classification of image content to be translation invariant.
  • Detection of bounding boxes to be translation covariant with the bounding box being translated along with the image.
  • Classification to be dilation invariant where we allow transformations that take each pixel and “blow it up” to a $K \times K$ square of pixels of identical color.

Once we introduce image boundaries we are reduced to having “near” or “approximate” symmetries that will be discussed another time.

Simple Idealized Example

A highly idealized example that is similar to image models takes as domain $X$ functions from The cyclic group $\mathbb{Z}_N$ (addition mod N) to $\mathbb{Z}_2$.

  • Domain $X$ : $\mathbb{Z}_N \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}_2$
    • Interpretation : Finite strings of bits.
  • Range $Y$ : Any
  • Group of Transformations : Self-Group action of $\mathbb{Z}_N$

Suppose we have domain expert knowledge that the task is exactly invariant with respect to the transformations - how do we incorporate that knowledge? Can we directly work with functions $f: (\mathbb{Z}_N \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}_2) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ that were invariant under the group of transformations?

\[f(\phi_n \cdot x) = f(x) \;\rm{for}\;\rm{all}\; n \in \mathbb{Z}_N\]

What do these invariant functions look like?

Exploring Invariant Functions

If $f(x) = f(\phi_n(x))$ for all $n$ then clearly it is sufficient to specify $f$ for any single element of the following subset of $X$,

\[[x] = \{\phi_n(x) | n \in \mathbb{Z}_N\}\]

to know the value of $f$ on the entire subset. This set consists of all possible translations / transformations of the element $x$.

For $N=3$ and writing the input $x$ as a string of bits - $[101] = \{ 101, 011, 110 \}$

Each such subset is called an equivalence class under $\sim_\phi$ and we denote the set of these equivalence classes as $X/\sim_{\phi}$. One avenue to understanding the invariant functions is to directly define the functions on $X / \sim_{\phi}$ (typically called the quotient of $X$ with respect to $\sim_{\phi}$).

For our simple example it is amusing to note that these equivalence classes are called “Necklaces” necklaces - mathworld and have been actively studied within combinatorics - where the primary object of study is the number of distinct equivalence classes. This also hints that the study of these objects is non-trivial!

For different $N$ we can write down representatives of the equivalence classes.

  • $N=1$: 0, 1
  • $N=2$: 00, 10, 11
  • $N=3$: 000, 100, 110, 111
  • $N=4$: 0000, 1000, 1100, 1010, 1110, 1111
  • $N=5$: 00000 ,10000, 11000, 10100, 11100, 10110, 11110,11111
  • $N=6$: 000000, 100000, 110000, 101000, 100100, 111000, 110100, 110010, 111111, 011111, 001111, 111010, 011011, 101010

With access to these it is possible to define a general invariant function by assigning a value $f([x])$ to each equivalence class $[x]$ and then generally we have $f(x) = f([y])$ if $x \in [y]$. While this allows us to construct invariant functions they are not pleasant or efficient to work with.

With this understanding one can imagine taking each observation $(x, y)$ and mapping to $([x], y)$, so using $\mathcal{D}’ = \{ ([x], y) \vert (x,y) \in \mathcal{D} \}$ as training data.

  1. Efficiently determining which equivalence class the input $x$ belongs to may be burdensome.
  2. Where elements of $X$ could be simply expressed as elements of $\mathbb{Z}^N_2$ providing simple coordinates (features) and so a means to define a parametrized family of functions $f_{\theta}$ to optimize over - the quotient $X / \sim_{\phi}$ does not have such obvious coordinates.

Equivalence classes of $\mathbb{Z}_N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$

Given that the boolean case reduces to a complex combinatorics problem - we can look at a slightly simpler case. For functions $\mathbb{Z}_N \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ what do the quotients look like?

The ‘largest’ part of the quotient can be obtained for all functions having unique maximum. We can qauntify largest using the standard measure on $\mathbb{R}^N$. Denoting the function with unique maximum as $A_{unique}$ - we note that the complement $\mathbb{R}^{N} - A_{unique}$ is contained in $\{x \vert \exists n,m \;\rm{st}\; x(n)=x(m)\}$.

So $\mu(\mathbb{R}^{N} - A_{unique}) \leq \mu(\{x \vert \exists n,m \;\rm{st}\; x(n)=x(m)\}) = 0$

The complement of our set of functions with unique maximum is measure 0.

For any element $x$ with unique maximum we can rotate until the maximum is at 0. Any such $x$ is equivalent to an element of the set of functions with unique maximum at 0, $\{x \vert x(0) > x(n) \forall n \neq 0\}$.

We can rather compactly describe the quotient as, $\cup_y \{y\} \times [-\infty, y)^{n-1}$.
